KALAGNY’S 5th Annual Veterans & Military Networking Event
KALAGNY’S 5th Annual
Veterans & Military
Networking Event
N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 1 | 6 : 3 0 P M – 7 : 4 5 P M
Leadership In and Out of Uniform:
Q&A with Captain John S. Han, U.S. Navy.
Captain John S. Han, JAGC, USN
With experiences as a Commanding Officer, Military Trial Judge and prosecutor on both the federal and state levels, Capt. Han will speak about his path to the many roles he has held and impart leadership guidance and how it translates to any sector of the legal industry. As one of the first Asian American Pacific Islander military trial judges in the U.S. Navy, Capt. Han offers a unique insight into what translates to successful leadership in and out of uniform.
visit kalagny.org to register for this virtual event.
- On November 4, 2021