Rahat Babar
For October’s member spotlight, we congratulate Rahat Babar for being recognized as a one of the NAPABA – National Asian Pacific American Bar Association ’s Best Under 40 Award recipients for 2018!
Name: Rahat N. Babar
Employer: NJ Attorney General’s Office
Practice Area: Litigation / Policy / Community Engagement
Law School: Delaware Law School
Languages spoken: English, Bengali
Year Joined APABA-PA: 2006
Positions held in APABA-PA (past and present): Community Outreach Co-Chair, Board Member, Corresponding Secretary, Vice President, President-Elect, President, Policy Committee Co-Chair
Favorite APABA-PA Memory: Too many to mention here, but on the top of list would be the Lunar Banquets over the years and the festivities afterward.
One way APABA-PA has helped you: APABA-PA provided me with an amazing circle of friends and a constantly supportive professional network. I would not be where I am today, both professionally and personally, without APABA-PA.
When I’m not at APABA-PA events or working I’m…: recharging, spending time with family and friends, and/or Netflix.
If I weren’t a lawyer I’d be: Maybe a college instructor or professor.
Favorite Lunch Spot: When I’m in Philly, it’s the food court in Liberty Place. They have so many options, and it’s fast.
- On September 10, 2019